For me the biggest stumbling block to learning how to correctly pronounce Spanish was not the "th" sound for some "c's" in European Spanish (that sound is relatively easy for English speakers to mimic, since it sounds sort of like "lisping" an 's'). Nor is the the dreaded "ñ" with the tilde sound in words like mañana. The hardest thing for me was distinguishing and producing the correct sounds for 'v' and 'b.' And I probably still don't have it completely right.

The only remedy to this, I'd say, is to listen to native speakers over and over. ¡Escucha! BTW, I like the way Spanish both begins and ends exclamatory and interrogative sentences with the proper punctuation mark. It's looks interesting in writing and it alerts you right off the bat how the sentence should be pronounced and interpreted. Even better than listening is to practice speaking, emphasizing those "v's" and "b's" until speaking correctly becomes second nature for you.
A presto...
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